sThe time is passing quickly here at Faith. We have so much going on – both projects and community activities – that it’s hard to catch our breath sometimes. But when we are asked (as we often are) why we do it, it really is because we enjoy the chance to contribute and we get so much back from what we are giving. And we feel privileged that we can spend our time and talents in this way.

Church Stuff
There are 5 Nomads couples here at Faith UMC, which means there are almost endless varieties of projects underway at any given time. One of the more extensive projects was extending the wifi network across the campus. Dave worked with another Nomad, Bonnie (Cathy was sick), to run wires through the gym to a box with an external antenna by the campground. Ron installed a waterproof box to house the new router. Cathy and Pat ran wires from the office to the fellowship hall to the sanctuary. Cathy is getting pretty good at installing the RJ45 connectors which terminate all of the wires. It’s actually not something she wanted to get good at, though.
There are 5 Nomads couples here at Faith UMC, which means there are almost endless varieties of projects underway at any given time. One of the more extensive projects was extending the wifi network across the campus. Dave worked with another Nomad, Bonnie (Cathy was sick), to run wires through the gym to a box with an external antenna by the campground. Ron installed a waterproof box to house the new router. Cathy and Pat ran wires from the office to the fellowship hall to the sanctuary. Cathy is getting pretty good at installing the RJ45 connectors which terminate all of the wires. It’s actually not something she wanted to get good at, though.

Another project that drew on our IT background was creating a website for the school that is starting up on the church campus. Cathy worked with the headmaster to streamline her IT expenses and taking advantage of some free services, instead of paying too much for services that were disappointing. You can check out their new website: Emmanuel Coastal Academy.

Boat Stuff
In order to put the boat into storage, we would like to cover it to protect it from the intense Florida sun and rain. Rather than rely on the mast as the structure for the cover, we decided to create a PVC frame. It would create a better slope to shed rain and have less chafe points than the mast With Pat’s help, Cathy constructed the frame on deck from ½” pvc conduit pipes. It has 5 bows that are connected via T’s or 4-way connectors to a series of ridge poles and deck-level fore to aft pipes. It looks a little like a whale skeleton. Since the frame needs to be disassembled when stored, she only glued the fittings for each bow The ridge and deck pipes are inserted in place. However, to ensure they don’t separate, we inserted Quick release pins into the unglued intersections.
Now, to make that cover . . .
In order to put the boat into storage, we would like to cover it to protect it from the intense Florida sun and rain. Rather than rely on the mast as the structure for the cover, we decided to create a PVC frame. It would create a better slope to shed rain and have less chafe points than the mast With Pat’s help, Cathy constructed the frame on deck from ½” pvc conduit pipes. It has 5 bows that are connected via T’s or 4-way connectors to a series of ridge poles and deck-level fore to aft pipes. It looks a little like a whale skeleton. Since the frame needs to be disassembled when stored, she only glued the fittings for each bow The ridge and deck pipes are inserted in place. However, to ensure they don’t separate, we inserted Quick release pins into the unglued intersections.
Now, to make that cover . . .

RV Stuff
Although our lengthy stay here seems to indicate otherwise, we will eventually be getting underway again. So, Dave spent some time making improvements to the RV. By removing the spare tire, we installed a new bike rack on the rear bumper, getting the bikes out of the bed of the truck and making them more accessible for riding. And, it makes a great place for Dave to store his new bike.
Although our lengthy stay here seems to indicate otherwise, we will eventually be getting underway again. So, Dave spent some time making improvements to the RV. By removing the spare tire, we installed a new bike rack on the rear bumper, getting the bikes out of the bed of the truck and making them more accessible for riding. And, it makes a great place for Dave to store his new bike.

We also decided to cover our bathroom vent with a permanent cover that allows it to be opened during rain or uncertain weather without letting the elements in. The Camco cover sits over the existing opening, and only requires holes to be drilled into its metal frame, not the roof itself. The existing vent cover opens most of the way, so it seems to work as designed.

With an overall plan to upgrade the RV’s 12V electrical system, Dave was able to complete the first step by installing the 2 Sam’s Club batteries originally purchased for Jr. He modified a heavy-duty storage box to hold the batteries and allow the wires to pass through to them. Once strapped in place, he connected them to the trailer circuit breaker. The next step will bring the power into the bedroom for more 12V outlets.

We took advantage of what was a rare warm day to visit Christ UMC, which is at Neptune Beach. After lunch, we headed out to take a walk on the beach. The only problem was . . . we couldn’t see the ocean. While we ate, the sunny day had been exchanged for some dense fog rolling in off the ocean. Oh well. At least we could hear the ocean.
Super Bowl Sunday had us feasting at 2 meals. First, Souper Bowl, a fundraiser for the local foodbank and then at game time, we had more typical football fare. The next weekend, we celebrated Valentine’s Day with an early dinner on Saturday, hosted by the United Methodist Men at Fort Caroline UMC. Then, on Sunday, we treated ourselves to another visit to Peterbrooke Chocolates, followed by a Valentine’s party put on by the Spanish congregation. Lots of good eats again.
It’s time to though to back away from the table . . .
We took advantage of what was a rare warm day to visit Christ UMC, which is at Neptune Beach. After lunch, we headed out to take a walk on the beach. The only problem was . . . we couldn’t see the ocean. While we ate, the sunny day had been exchanged for some dense fog rolling in off the ocean. Oh well. At least we could hear the ocean.
Super Bowl Sunday had us feasting at 2 meals. First, Souper Bowl, a fundraiser for the local foodbank and then at game time, we had more typical football fare. The next weekend, we celebrated Valentine’s Day with an early dinner on Saturday, hosted by the United Methodist Men at Fort Caroline UMC. Then, on Sunday, we treated ourselves to another visit to Peterbrooke Chocolates, followed by a Valentine’s party put on by the Spanish congregation. Lots of good eats again.
It’s time to though to back away from the table . . .