With the bigger jobs taken care of, the work on Orion has slowed quite a bit. We’re getting a few small tasks done, though.
New Latches
Over time, the marine environment has taken a toll on the lazarette latches, making them difficult to open and, sometimes, equally difficult to close. In looking up the Southco part number online, we found some replacement latches on Ebay. Once they arrived, it was a pretty simple job to pop out the old ones and install the new ones. Now, they work great and also look so much better.
More refinishing?
Perhaps once you get started, you just can’t stop. Or maybe the wood that’s not been recently stripped and re-finished starts to look shabby in comparison to its gleaming counterparts. At any rate, after Cathy had declared her woodwork done, we started looking at the hatch boards and decided it was time to strip and re-finish them. Needless to say, they look much better.
Other Boat Stuff
So, when we’re not working on Orion, we’re on one of the neighboring boats on the dock: Daisy Sue needs a coat of polyurethane, Bay Dreamer needs a new bilge pump, Marjorie Grace needs to have her dock lines marked before a sea trial, and so forth. And Dave is answering questions of prospective buyers and looking for new ways to market Orion. Cathy is digging further into Orion’s hidden corners and cleaning them out. Not as busy as working on Orion Jr, but it’s keeping us out of trouble.
Perhaps once you get started, you just can’t stop. Or maybe the wood that’s not been recently stripped and re-finished starts to look shabby in comparison to its gleaming counterparts. At any rate, after Cathy had declared her woodwork done, we started looking at the hatch boards and decided it was time to strip and re-finish them. Needless to say, they look much better.
Other Boat Stuff
So, when we’re not working on Orion, we’re on one of the neighboring boats on the dock: Daisy Sue needs a coat of polyurethane, Bay Dreamer needs a new bilge pump, Marjorie Grace needs to have her dock lines marked before a sea trial, and so forth. And Dave is answering questions of prospective buyers and looking for new ways to market Orion. Cathy is digging further into Orion’s hidden corners and cleaning them out. Not as busy as working on Orion Jr, but it’s keeping us out of trouble.