Dave takes little Troy on a carousel ride
We're spending more time in Hampton, but the roads between here and Emporia are becoming very familiar as we travel back and forth to see the grandkids.
Garmin 5208 – The Saga Continues
We received our chartplotter back from Garmin and re-connected it as soon as we got back to the boat. We were excited to see the AIS now working, which was easy to verify in the busy Hampton Roads harbor. The SD card reader also was working as it should. However, we still have a minor problem with it. The GPS still isn’t working, so the unit has no idea where we are. To confirm the problem was now isolated to the GPS (which is a separate component from the chartplotter), Dave connected our little Garmin GPS 76 to the chartplotter. Sure enough, our position was displayed as expected. After relaying this finding to Garmin, they agreed to send a replacement GPS. Since this unit is mounted into the deck, we won’t remove the old one until the new one arrives.
Since we might need to use the GPS76 as a back-up in the future, Dave ran a more permanent wire from the chartplotter which can allow an easier connection. This enables us to take Orion out using the back-up GPS while we wait for the replacement GPS 17 to be installed.
Garmin 5208 – The Saga Continues
We received our chartplotter back from Garmin and re-connected it as soon as we got back to the boat. We were excited to see the AIS now working, which was easy to verify in the busy Hampton Roads harbor. The SD card reader also was working as it should. However, we still have a minor problem with it. The GPS still isn’t working, so the unit has no idea where we are. To confirm the problem was now isolated to the GPS (which is a separate component from the chartplotter), Dave connected our little Garmin GPS 76 to the chartplotter. Sure enough, our position was displayed as expected. After relaying this finding to Garmin, they agreed to send a replacement GPS. Since this unit is mounted into the deck, we won’t remove the old one until the new one arrives.
Since we might need to use the GPS76 as a back-up in the future, Dave ran a more permanent wire from the chartplotter which can allow an easier connection. This enables us to take Orion out using the back-up GPS while we wait for the replacement GPS 17 to be installed.

On the Water
Although Orion’s been in Hampton over a month, we’ve spent very little time on her, with our travels back and forth to Emporia. So, when we finally got a chance to move her again, we decided to have her checked out by a diver. Her running gear was clear of barnacles, as were the thru-hulls, so a quick wipe-down and a zinc change got her ready to move. We were joined by our daughter, son-in-law and grandson for a fishing trip one afternoon. It was good to get Orion moving again, and we could try out our jury-rigged GPS installation. It wasn’t such a good day for fishing, although our son-in-law managed to catch about a dozen croakers, it wasn’t his best day.
Although Orion’s been in Hampton over a month, we’ve spent very little time on her, with our travels back and forth to Emporia. So, when we finally got a chance to move her again, we decided to have her checked out by a diver. Her running gear was clear of barnacles, as were the thru-hulls, so a quick wipe-down and a zinc change got her ready to move. We were joined by our daughter, son-in-law and grandson for a fishing trip one afternoon. It was good to get Orion moving again, and we could try out our jury-rigged GPS installation. It wasn’t such a good day for fishing, although our son-in-law managed to catch about a dozen croakers, it wasn’t his best day.

We also got a chance to take a trip on Bay Dreamer one Saturday evening, as we made our way down the Elizabeth River to see the Norfolk Harborfest fireworks.
We are the Champions
Steve invited us to the championship game of the Poquoson Little League “minors”, on which Krista’s oldest, Jared, played outfield. The Mets beat the Diamondbacks winning the championship in what became a runaway game, 11 to 6. We joined the team for a celebration afterward, which included lots of ice cream and cake. That’s the best kind.