The New Year's fireworks had barely quieted down before we were starting our 1st Nomads project in 2022. The team would be working on many long-deferred maintenance tasks here at Faith and making progress on the new Mission rooms. The work had barely begun when we got a call from Adam. He was in town and wanted to join us. And join he did. We’re not sure how we would have completed many of the tasks without him.

Project Work
When we were compiling the list of tasks needing work back in December, it seemed unlikely that any more than the highest priorities would be completed during the project. A rotting roof on what would become the new entrance to the Mission rooms at the back of Peeler needed to be replaced. And the door for that entrance would barely open because there was no clearance to allow it to swing inside over the floor. The main golf cart for the church wasn’t working. The tractor used to mow the field was down. The well for the Burmese gardens had stopped working. The church’s oldest building had not been painted in years, and the mold and mildew were taking a toll. A long list.
When we were compiling the list of tasks needing work back in December, it seemed unlikely that any more than the highest priorities would be completed during the project. A rotting roof on what would become the new entrance to the Mission rooms at the back of Peeler needed to be replaced. And the door for that entrance would barely open because there was no clearance to allow it to swing inside over the floor. The main golf cart for the church wasn’t working. The tractor used to mow the field was down. The well for the Burmese gardens had stopped working. The church’s oldest building had not been painted in years, and the mold and mildew were taking a toll. A long list.

Then there were improvements that were hoped for. Extending the campground sewer hookups. Adding a new washer / dryer, which required a bigger drain to be run across the sidewalk, and new propane line to the dryer. The Mission House exterior needed painting as well. Adam and Butch teamed up on a number of the dirtier projects, digging trenches through the dirt and cutting up concrete.

These were only a few of the projects that the team tackled during our Period 1 project here at Faith. And to our delight and amazement, they completed a large percentage of that list, and made significant progress on others. But the team not only worked hard, they had good times together off the clock. We gathered around several campfires with Aden and Adam playing guitar for us to sing along. We crowded around in the parking lot to catch the SpaceX rocket launch. And we gathered each day under the live oak in the church’s courtyard for devotions to give us a spiritual lift for the work we are doing. Faith’s legendary hospitality was in evidence as they provided lunches for the team most days.

And this was the first project where Cathy stepped back to let another team member exhibit their creative skills at videography. You can get a feel for the project work in his project video here.

Parting Shot
These cats were hoping to join the humans for dinner in Wesley.
These cats were hoping to join the humans for dinner in Wesley.