Labor Day has come and gone, but summer’s not over yet. We had our last Cabin Work Day in late August, but the next doesn’t come until the last Saturday in September. We have some big volunteer events coming in late September and all of the supplies for Cabin Work Week have to be ordered by the end of the month. We are between events, between seasons, and our work is all about preparation. Cabin Work Week is only 6 weeks away.

More of the Same
If it seems that we’re doing the same thing over and over, it’s only because we are. We wake up most mornings and head to the cabin sites. Either to the Well House, where our wood is stored or to this year’s work sites. We have a lot of wood purchased last year that has dried enough to prime and paint. So, we’ve started painting a variety of board sizes to give the carpenter’s a head start when they arrive. In the process, we discovered that much of the wood purchased this year was not drying since it was stacked without any spacers to let air in. So, we made dozens more spacers and stacked and re-stacked wood to help ensure it will be ready by the time the project starts.
If it seems that we’re doing the same thing over and over, it’s only because we are. We wake up most mornings and head to the cabin sites. Either to the Well House, where our wood is stored or to this year’s work sites. We have a lot of wood purchased last year that has dried enough to prime and paint. So, we’ve started painting a variety of board sizes to give the carpenter’s a head start when they arrive. In the process, we discovered that much of the wood purchased this year was not drying since it was stacked without any spacers to let air in. So, we made dozens more spacers and stacked and re-stacked wood to help ensure it will be ready by the time the project starts.

Back at Paspahegh, in anticipation of over 30 volunteers scheduled to arrive on Sept 26th, we powerwashed all of the benches and outbuildings that hadn’t been touched yet. If everyone shows up, we will need them to spread out, while still being engaged in a productive task. Having more buildings ready to scrape, prime, paint or stain will make this possible.

When not working at the sites, we are planning for the project. Our Lowe’s contacts in the local store scheduled 2 “Red Vest” days which will bring their employees to the site as volunteers. This requires coordination between the store, the park, and the Lowe’s 100 Hometowns organizers. In addition, we are making still more screen trim pieces, since some of the work on that day will be to install screen and hardware cloth in the cabin vents to prevent large and small critters from getting inside.
And we are going about the business of spending the Lowe’s grant by placing another wood order, purchasing composite roofing shingles, and purchasing and staging supplies for the upcoming events.
We’ve been recruiting volunteers to work as well as those to help with lunches, and other support activities. Recruiting volunteers is a critical part of what we do, and is made a little more difficult this year as some key volunteers have had to back out recently due to family and health issues However, it’s all part of ensuring a successful project year.
And we are going about the business of spending the Lowe’s grant by placing another wood order, purchasing composite roofing shingles, and purchasing and staging supplies for the upcoming events.
We’ve been recruiting volunteers to work as well as those to help with lunches, and other support activities. Recruiting volunteers is a critical part of what we do, and is made a little more difficult this year as some key volunteers have had to back out recently due to family and health issues However, it’s all part of ensuring a successful project year.

Family and Friends
Whether a visit to the campsite or a trip down to Jarratt, we have delighted in spending time with the kids and grandkids. Almost every weekend we are able to get in some family time. And we snagged a surprise visit from Bob and Shirley, friends from Jacksonville, who were making their way south after a summer of far-flung travel. We shared some evening meals and tempted them with the prospect of returning for a Cabin week by giving them a tour. We give lots of tours. Marguerite and Mike, a couple who have been with Cabin Work Week from the beginning, stopped by with dinner one night, allowing us time to catch up before the flurry of work begins.
Whether a visit to the campsite or a trip down to Jarratt, we have delighted in spending time with the kids and grandkids. Almost every weekend we are able to get in some family time. And we snagged a surprise visit from Bob and Shirley, friends from Jacksonville, who were making their way south after a summer of far-flung travel. We shared some evening meals and tempted them with the prospect of returning for a Cabin week by giving them a tour. We give lots of tours. Marguerite and Mike, a couple who have been with Cabin Work Week from the beginning, stopped by with dinner one night, allowing us time to catch up before the flurry of work begins.

Parting Shot
Fall is coming and, with it, cooler temperatures and fall colors. It’s a lovely time to be in the park. Our grandson, Troy, is making and selling wreaths. I couldn’t resist this one.
Fall is coming and, with it, cooler temperatures and fall colors. It’s a lovely time to be in the park. Our grandson, Troy, is making and selling wreaths. I couldn’t resist this one.