The countdown continues, as we move ever closer to the big day. No. Not the one you’re thinking about. The other one. The start of Cabin Work Week, which kicks off the last Sunday in October. We’re feeling good about where we stand in prepping the cabins for the 2 weeks of work and ensuring we have volunteers ready and able to take over. We had a few visitors as well, and continue to enjoy this beautiful season in the park.
Cabin Work
As the time before the project kick-off gets shorter, we are focusing on some of the finer details to prepare for the team’s arrival. The Chickahominy cabin group is looking great – just don’t get too close. All of the high ladder work on the cabin peaks is completed thanks to Joe’s faithful efforts, and we split our time between wielding paint brushes and pounding the keyboard. With our combined efforts, we painted almost all of the wood on the Chickahominy cabins that was not going to be impacted by upcoming repairs. Anticipating the need to spread out when taking breaks, we decided to stain the benches in Chickahominy as well, so they wouldn’t be taken “out of service” during the project.
As the time before the project kick-off gets shorter, we are focusing on some of the finer details to prepare for the team’s arrival. The Chickahominy cabin group is looking great – just don’t get too close. All of the high ladder work on the cabin peaks is completed thanks to Joe’s faithful efforts, and we split our time between wielding paint brushes and pounding the keyboard. With our combined efforts, we painted almost all of the wood on the Chickahominy cabins that was not going to be impacted by upcoming repairs. Anticipating the need to spread out when taking breaks, we decided to stain the benches in Chickahominy as well, so they wouldn’t be taken “out of service” during the project.
When last year’s project ended, there was some exterior wood that wasn’t painted or stained – the columns in the lodge’s outdoor kitchen. Discussions concerning these columns in Chickahominy led to the reasonable conclusion that they needed to be stained in order to ensure the wood would be protected. That meant we had to backtrack to Appamattuck (weren’t we done there?) and power wash and stain these posts (all 14 of them). Dave power washed the columns in Chickahominy and Weyanock in anticipation of needing to stain them as well.
When not at the cabins, we continued planning activities, recruiting and coordinating volunteers, and buying supplies for the 2-week event. Our first pair of volunteers arrived a couple of weeks early on a previously planned trip to the park. We gave them a tour of the cabins and even managed to convince them to do some work while here on their own time.
Friends and Family
We spent a few days with Adam helping him plan for a bus to RV conversion, which included a field trip to an RV salvage yard. Note to self: RV’s don’t age well after the roof is opened up. After a few plan revisions, he is starting to feel good about his path forward.
We had a visit from Steve and Linda, who stopped by one rainy Sunday to pick up some straps Cathy had sewn for Bay Dreamer. After sharing a socially-distanced meal, we dodged the raindrops to show them the cabins before they had to head back home.
It’s not all fun and games, though. We’ve had to dust the cobwebs out of our heads to help Jayden with Algebra and Bonnie edit her submission to the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, which is a major undertaking.
It’s not all fun and games, though. We’ve had to dust the cobwebs out of our heads to help Jayden with Algebra and Bonnie edit her submission to the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, which is a major undertaking.
During our last calm weekend for a few weeks, we celebrated Cathy’s birthday on a beautiful fall Saturday in the park. Her birthday sweatshirt was a welcome addition.
Parting Shot
A funny birthday card that is all too true.
A funny birthday card that is all too true.