This will be our first Christmas spent in one place in more years than we can remember. In between Christmas preparations, we began working on plans for the upcoming Nomads project in January.

Nomads Work in the time of Covid
The upcoming January project here at Faith will be a challenge, as we try to maintain safe distances while still completing the work that is the project’s goal. We surveyed the progress to Faith’s Mission House made by a Nomads team in the fall and assessed what would be required to make it ready for a tenant at the end of January. This will include completing a bathroom, shoring up a sagging floor and finishing the interior painting among other things.
The upcoming January project here at Faith will be a challenge, as we try to maintain safe distances while still completing the work that is the project’s goal. We surveyed the progress to Faith’s Mission House made by a Nomads team in the fall and assessed what would be required to make it ready for a tenant at the end of January. This will include completing a bathroom, shoring up a sagging floor and finishing the interior painting among other things.

Back at the main campus, we hope to advance 2 more mission rooms in the Peeler building to completion, building on the work begun in the spring. Maybe that will include repairing the roof to the porch as well. Over in A building, which has been used by tenants as both a school and a day care, we have an opportunity to upgrade a temporary drain to something more permanent, while the building is vacant. Then there is some more work off campus, where Pastor Jacob, who leads Faith's Arabic congregation, has some repairs needed to the exterior of his house.

The choices for the work to be done had to accommodate both the church’s needs and the Nomads rules for keeping the teams safe. Given the size of Faith’s campus, we were able to plan tasks that would keep couples separate from each other, and allow them to work in unoccupied buildings. We are feeling good that we can make it work. However, it will be very different from prior year’s projects.
In addition to planning the work, we began ordering supplies, which has its own challenges given the strain on the package delivery companies and the unusually high demand for construction supplies. With our experience at the park, we’re getting pretty good at placing pick-up orders at Lowe’s and Home Depot.
In addition to planning the work, we began ordering supplies, which has its own challenges given the strain on the package delivery companies and the unusually high demand for construction supplies. With our experience at the park, we’re getting pretty good at placing pick-up orders at Lowe’s and Home Depot.

Gym Roof and other tasks
Just before we left for Virginia this past summer, a new tenant had occupied the gym and put down a new vinyl floor. The change in floor increased the visibility to a problem with leaks in the gym roof. We had thought all of our work 3 years ago had substantially eliminated the leaks, but it was apparent that that was not the case now. There had been some work done while we were gone, and tarps had been placed back on the roof to cover the open vents, which many believed were the source of the problem. While we were initially thinking we would tackle this repair as a Nomads project, Dave began working with local roofers to get estimates and assessments for the changes needed to fix the problem. One of their proposals – to remove the vents and cover the opening with a new metal ridge – was accepted. Dave helped modify the proposal to include their applying a coating of fabric and acrylic paint like we had used on Wesley. Only time will tell whether it works.
Our other tasks were on a smaller scale – changing out a door knob, replacing a photocell. And then helping Pastor Barry set up a live Zoom sermon from his house while he was under quarantine. It’s all in a day’s work.
RV (and truck) Stuff
At Faith, the distance between our holding tank cleanout and the sewer connection is a pretty long distance, not all of which is down hill. We finally decided to get a sewer hose support that creates a gradual slope compensating for the uneven terrain. The hose drains much better, and the support collapses into a pretty small space for storage.
Although we’re not putting a lot of miles on the truck, the warranty requires oil changes and fuel filter changes at regular intervals, regardless of the miles traveled. Dave assisted Fermin in changing the oil and fuel filters, shortly after we got back to Faith.
CWW – All Done? Well, not Quite
Although the Cabin Work Week project ended in November, the work to close out this year and prepare for next year continues. We reconciled our expenses with the Friends’ books in preparation for reports back to our sponsors. We also had a tremendous response for next year’s project all ready. All those who camped with us last year have indicated they plan to return next year.
Just before we left for Virginia this past summer, a new tenant had occupied the gym and put down a new vinyl floor. The change in floor increased the visibility to a problem with leaks in the gym roof. We had thought all of our work 3 years ago had substantially eliminated the leaks, but it was apparent that that was not the case now. There had been some work done while we were gone, and tarps had been placed back on the roof to cover the open vents, which many believed were the source of the problem. While we were initially thinking we would tackle this repair as a Nomads project, Dave began working with local roofers to get estimates and assessments for the changes needed to fix the problem. One of their proposals – to remove the vents and cover the opening with a new metal ridge – was accepted. Dave helped modify the proposal to include their applying a coating of fabric and acrylic paint like we had used on Wesley. Only time will tell whether it works.
Our other tasks were on a smaller scale – changing out a door knob, replacing a photocell. And then helping Pastor Barry set up a live Zoom sermon from his house while he was under quarantine. It’s all in a day’s work.
RV (and truck) Stuff
At Faith, the distance between our holding tank cleanout and the sewer connection is a pretty long distance, not all of which is down hill. We finally decided to get a sewer hose support that creates a gradual slope compensating for the uneven terrain. The hose drains much better, and the support collapses into a pretty small space for storage.
Although we’re not putting a lot of miles on the truck, the warranty requires oil changes and fuel filter changes at regular intervals, regardless of the miles traveled. Dave assisted Fermin in changing the oil and fuel filters, shortly after we got back to Faith.
CWW – All Done? Well, not Quite
Although the Cabin Work Week project ended in November, the work to close out this year and prepare for next year continues. We reconciled our expenses with the Friends’ books in preparation for reports back to our sponsors. We also had a tremendous response for next year’s project all ready. All those who camped with us last year have indicated they plan to return next year.

Parting Shot
We resumed our nightly walks around the neighborhood. The difference is that we get to see Christmas decorations, including this army of characters in front of a nearby house. And by the way, Rudolph’s nose does glow!
We resumed our nightly walks around the neighborhood. The difference is that we get to see Christmas decorations, including this army of characters in front of a nearby house. And by the way, Rudolph’s nose does glow!