Having arrived in Jacksonville just after Thanksgiving, we had a relatively short time before we were to return north again, since our lives are ruled for the time being by Cathy’s 3-week infusion schedule. So, we tried to make the most of our time before we turned around.
Christmas is Coming
Singing Christmas carols. Making cookies. Christmas parties. Visiting family. These are some of the things we associate with Christmas. And so it was with us. Our first Sunday back, Cathy joined the group from Faith that serenaded a nearby assisted living group with Christmas carols after church. On Wednesday, we boarded the church bus to head downtown for Jacksonville’s first Christmas in the Cathedral festival. Six of the downtown churches had opened their doors and there was music, an outdoor market and fellowship. It could have used a little more food though. (We never did see the food trucks that were promised.)
Singing Christmas carols. Making cookies. Christmas parties. Visiting family. These are some of the things we associate with Christmas. And so it was with us. Our first Sunday back, Cathy joined the group from Faith that serenaded a nearby assisted living group with Christmas carols after church. On Wednesday, we boarded the church bus to head downtown for Jacksonville’s first Christmas in the Cathedral festival. Six of the downtown churches had opened their doors and there was music, an outdoor market and fellowship. It could have used a little more food though. (We never did see the food trucks that were promised.)
The 2nd weekend found us west in Bradenton with Dave’s sister Wendy and family. Although biking is not usually an activity one associates with Christmas, we took advantage of the warm weather there to do just that. Wendy once again scheduled an exciting Christmas craft for her pre-school Sunday school timed with our weekend visit. Nothing like 2 more “skilled” adults to guide little hands. And, of course, Cathy shared in the cookie decoration (and eating) at Wendy and Janelle’s Cookie exchange party, while both Daves and great nephew Jack made their way through the labyrinth of The Cave video game. It was all good fun, and a great time together.
While at Wendy’s, we missed a few church get-togethers back at Faith, but we were sure to make the Sunday School Party at Evalyn’s. (Since we were consulted when the date was set, we had better show up!) There was great food and company in a beautiful setting, topped off with several exciting games of Left Right Center. Several charities benefited from the results. In preparation for the Lessons and Carols service and dinner on Advent’s 3rd Sunday, we spent much of the Saturday before grilling dozens of chicken drumsticks. Dave’s homemade Spiedie marinade was a big hit. And the service of Lessons and Carols was a blending of cultures, with an African-inspired, “Jehovah has the Final say” to a beautiful interpretive dance by a young lady from the Spanish congregation. Afterward, we took a bike ride to Dairy Queen for ice cream. It is Florida after all.
We are only midway through the Christmas season, but we have enjoyed it so far, and are looking forward the next 2 weeks.
We are only midway through the Christmas season, but we have enjoyed it so far, and are looking forward the next 2 weeks.
Lights Out
At first, the RV lights just dimmed. But it took only a few seconds more before they were out. Since the AC circuits were still working (TV, Microwave, outlets), we didn’t suspect a problem with the power coming to the RV. It appeared that all of the lights in the main part of the RV had stopped working. The only exception were those in the slide, which luckily provided enough light for the living room.
Dave checked the fuses and discovered the one that controlled the lights was alarmingly hot. Rather than diagnose the problem in the dark, we decided to pull the fuse and take some time to diagnose it the next day. We weren’t done with power problems though. About an hour later, the TV flicked off. Now the AC power had shut down. Was it just us or the entire campground? A quick check of the power pole confirmed it was just us. Since we had repaired a circuit on the pole earlier in the summer, we decided it was better to switch our connections to another pole and have Ron, the electrician, look at it when he returned later in December. What next?
At first, the RV lights just dimmed. But it took only a few seconds more before they were out. Since the AC circuits were still working (TV, Microwave, outlets), we didn’t suspect a problem with the power coming to the RV. It appeared that all of the lights in the main part of the RV had stopped working. The only exception were those in the slide, which luckily provided enough light for the living room.
Dave checked the fuses and discovered the one that controlled the lights was alarmingly hot. Rather than diagnose the problem in the dark, we decided to pull the fuse and take some time to diagnose it the next day. We weren’t done with power problems though. About an hour later, the TV flicked off. Now the AC power had shut down. Was it just us or the entire campground? A quick check of the power pole confirmed it was just us. Since we had repaired a circuit on the pole earlier in the summer, we decided it was better to switch our connections to another pole and have Ron, the electrician, look at it when he returned later in December. What next?
The next day, with Fred’s help, Dave stepped through the circuit to find the source of our light problem. It seemed to be isolated to a wire that branched off to feed the 2 lights over the rear sofa. By removing this from the circuit, the other liights lit, and the circuit tested OK. We checked the fuse over the next day and found it wasn’t overheating, so the temporary fix became more permanent.
So, now we just need to find a way to run a new wire to the sofa lights. Hmm . . Maybe we can use some stick on lights there.
So, now we just need to find a way to run a new wire to the sofa lights. Hmm . . Maybe we can use some stick on lights there.
Good Company at Work
It was good to be back at Faith after our few months in Virginia. In addition to the church family, Don and Bobbi preceded us there. Herb and Peggy stopped in for a few days as well. And we were excited to see Pat and Fred in person after a longer time apart.
It was good to be back at Faith after our few months in Virginia. In addition to the church family, Don and Bobbi preceded us there. Herb and Peggy stopped in for a few days as well. And we were excited to see Pat and Fred in person after a longer time apart.
Fred was up on the roof shortly after his arrival, as he and Dave worked to solve a problem with the heat in Wesley, the church’s fellowship hall. (Didn’t he say he would never go up there again?) While Pat worked to clean and organize parts of the kitchen (an endless task), Cathy wandered the campus to recreate the list of tasks that might need attention over the next season. Don started working on re-keying locks for the church, and Bobbi picked up her paint brush to help out Beyond 90 who were occupying another room in the church’s education building. And just before heading out of town again, Dave was researching the warranty and replacement alternatives for the hot water heater in the Spanish pastor’s residence. He was able to pick up a replacement under warranty, which saved some money for the church.
New Year’s Preparations
The new year would bring the start of our roofing project and a return to Jacksonville for Cathy’s treatments. That meant different kinds of preparations. We had visits with insurance agents and appointments to make at MD Anderson in Jacksonville. For the project, we worked with Barry to understand how the roofing work would be balanced with other high priority tasks. Cathy took an inventory of the paint supplies and Dave worked on campground and team assignments.
By the 16th, we were packed and ready to board our train to head north. We changed out of our shorts and packed winter coats and hiking boots. We would be making a lengthy circuit of friends and family, with the first objective being Cathy’s treatment in Frederick – the last there before returning to Jacksonville in January.
The new year would bring the start of our roofing project and a return to Jacksonville for Cathy’s treatments. That meant different kinds of preparations. We had visits with insurance agents and appointments to make at MD Anderson in Jacksonville. For the project, we worked with Barry to understand how the roofing work would be balanced with other high priority tasks. Cathy took an inventory of the paint supplies and Dave worked on campground and team assignments.
By the 16th, we were packed and ready to board our train to head north. We changed out of our shorts and packed winter coats and hiking boots. We would be making a lengthy circuit of friends and family, with the first objective being Cathy’s treatment in Frederick – the last there before returning to Jacksonville in January.