Heading to Florida in August is a little counter-intuitive – certainly not the typical cruiser destination for that month. However, we had an apointment with a mouse.
Doing Florida
We joined our daughter's family, Dave's sister, Diane and our oldest grandson for a few days at Disney. Since we were in the neighborhood, we dropped in on Dave's sister Wendy as well.
We joined our daughter's family, Dave's sister, Diane and our oldest grandson for a few days at Disney. Since we were in the neighborhood, we dropped in on Dave's sister Wendy as well.
To make the tourist thing complete, we circled by Cape Canaveral's Space Center on the way home. It was our grandson's first visit and it had been several years since our last visit, just before the shuttle program ended. The new exhibits and experiences dedicated to the shuttle and displaying Atlantis were impressive, even to a not-so-easily impressed 13 year old. There were also new experiences in the Apollo mission building that gave more depth to the missions to the moon, including the lunar landing.
Heading Back to Hampton
Our trip home was punctuated by a few stops at RV dealers as we start thinking about “what's next”. Droz had a few recommendations about which ones he preferred. But shortly after dropping him off, we received the sad news that our son-in-law's mom had passed away. Since we had made an impromptu trip to southwest VA to look at a 5th wheel, we turned back east and spent the next few days with our daughter's family as they made arrangements for the funeral and coped with the loss. Despite the sad reason for it, we enjoyed the time together and were thrilled to have a few hours with Cathy's sisters and brother-in-law, who made the trip for the funeral.
Our trip home was punctuated by a few stops at RV dealers as we start thinking about “what's next”. Droz had a few recommendations about which ones he preferred. But shortly after dropping him off, we received the sad news that our son-in-law's mom had passed away. Since we had made an impromptu trip to southwest VA to look at a 5th wheel, we turned back east and spent the next few days with our daughter's family as they made arrangements for the funeral and coped with the loss. Despite the sad reason for it, we enjoyed the time together and were thrilled to have a few hours with Cathy's sisters and brother-in-law, who made the trip for the funeral.
As the month was ending, we finally made our way back to Hampton. Back on Orion, we did some thorough cleaning and finished up the Cetol work for the season, just in time for a visit from a prospective buyer. Some coincidence. Dave also infuriated his friend Steve, by quicly resurrecting Bay Dreamer's chartplotter, which had died a few days earlier. The culprit, discovered a few days later, was a bad fuse, which had been degrading over time and finally quit during the Cape Charles race. Once replaced, the chartplotter and the solar panels both were back to working order.
To celebrate, we joined Steve and Linda on an evening cruise to the new restaurant at Old Point Comfort Marina, Deadrise, for some delicious seafood. On our return, we took a moonlight sail under a full moon up the Hampton River. It was beautiful ending to the day.
To celebrate, we joined Steve and Linda on an evening cruise to the new restaurant at Old Point Comfort Marina, Deadrise, for some delicious seafood. On our return, we took a moonlight sail under a full moon up the Hampton River. It was beautiful ending to the day.