Once again we alternated between time in Hampton and time with the grandkids in Richmond. The time is going by fast, as we move closer to October's end and another southern migration.

Boat Stuff
It's certainly true that having a deadline can focus you on what's most important. We finally got Orion's hull waxed. And after ignoring Orion Jr for the last 6 weeks, we suddenly switched into high gear. The mast, boom, sails, dinghy, gin pole and various other items that we stripped off her in the spring are back in place. In another move to save weight and space, Dave downsized from our Honda 2000 to a Honda 1000 generator. It should be more than powerful enough to run Jr's systems and can also power Orion's 55 amp battery charger.
It's certainly true that having a deadline can focus you on what's most important. We finally got Orion's hull waxed. And after ignoring Orion Jr for the last 6 weeks, we suddenly switched into high gear. The mast, boom, sails, dinghy, gin pole and various other items that we stripped off her in the spring are back in place. In another move to save weight and space, Dave downsized from our Honda 2000 to a Honda 1000 generator. It should be more than powerful enough to run Jr's systems and can also power Orion's 55 amp battery charger.

Cathy also bought a new toy, a new Sailrite zig-zag machine in the hard case that she put to good use on projects for both boats. Orion's main sail needed to have the webbing at the top of the sail replaced, which she could now do with the zigzag stitch option. Jr needed some help as well. When we working on her to re-load the mast, Cathy touched the bow strap and the webbing disintegrated into powder in her hands. Wow!. So we ordered some more webbing and made replacement straps for the bow and stern. The red flags that are required to hang from her stern were also showing wear after only a few months in the sun. They had faded to white. So, she made new ones – the third set so far. These will be taken in when we're not traveling. Making flags is getting old.
Just so we could put the new machine through its paces, Dave had Cathy make covers for the new compressor, generator and even the sewing machine. No problem. Once the word got out that she had a zigzag machine, it was inevitable that Cathy would be asked to do other sail repairs. The first was for Steve who had a problem with his headsail's leech line. This is not an area that she's looking to expand into. |

Boat Show and Babysitting
As the week of boat chores came to an end, Dave took off with Steve for the Annapolis Boat Show, getting answers for projects on both boats, including an annoying flashing light on the Xantrex battery charger. (It's gone now!) As he returned we headed back to Richmond for a week of homework, playing dollhouse, and baking with the grandkids – to name a few of the activities we don't usually find ourselves involved in. We celebrated Cathy's birthday at week's end with a dinner out before heading back to our final 2 weeks in Hampton.
As the week of boat chores came to an end, Dave took off with Steve for the Annapolis Boat Show, getting answers for projects on both boats, including an annoying flashing light on the Xantrex battery charger. (It's gone now!) As he returned we headed back to Richmond for a week of homework, playing dollhouse, and baking with the grandkids – to name a few of the activities we don't usually find ourselves involved in. We celebrated Cathy's birthday at week's end with a dinner out before heading back to our final 2 weeks in Hampton.